Have you invited someone or been invited over a cup of tea ? Have you ever wondered why you hear mostly the British inviting for a "cup of tea" ? No, its not only about tradition and history where Robert Fortune travelled to Asia to sneak into the secrets of tea but its easy to guess -
A cup of tea opens a dialogue leading to a conversation and therafter people just get chatty being open about themelves and sharing their life. Thats where there is one cup on the other to share some laughs, experiences, secrets, joys, sorrows and love
In our blend "Chats", we bring the Black Tea from Darjeeling in India and blend it with indian herbs and spices to give you more energy to talk and live longer for having a cup of tea everyday
Ingredients: Black tea (43%), indian ginseng, turmeric, ginger, cloves, moringa
Black tea grade: FTGFOP
The acronym FTGFOP stands for Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe
FTGFOP | Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe |
TGFOP | Tippy golden flowery orange pekoe |
GFOP | Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe |
FOP | Flowery Orange Pekoe |
OP | Orange Pekoe |
P | Pekoe |
Our Black & Green teas are 100% natural and have no added flavouring. All our Black & Green teas are made from whole tea leaves and have a higher percentage of golden tips and buds which are more desirable for enjoying the real taste of tea. We don't use any broken tea leaves in our blends