We keep hearing this expression "Life is short" which in indeed right..
In the busyness of everyday hussling into the buses, trains or sulking in the traffic while going to work or somewhere important, we get soaked into a daily routine of activities - day in and day out. While we walk on a pedestrian crossing, we suddenly notice that there is a new building thats unvieled to public and we realise that we haven't noticed the construction site even. So busy we are everyday in our own lives !
Our blend "Life" depicts a reflection of our engagements everyday and reminds you to slow down for a couple of seconds to take sip of Life :)
Ingredients: Green tea (30%), turmeric, holy basil, ginger
Green Tea grade: TGFOP
The acronym TGFOP stands for "Tippy golden flowery orange pekoe"
Tea grading system:
FTGFOP | Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe |
TGFOP | Tippy golden flowery orange pekoe |
GFOP | Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe |
FOP | Flowery Orange Pekoe |
OP | Orange Pekoe |
P | Pekoe |
Our Black & Green teas are 100% natural and have no added flavouring. All our Black & Green teas are made from whole tea leaves and have a higher percentage of golden tips and buds which are more desirable for enjoying the real taste of tea. We don't use any broken tea leaves in our blends